Monday, March 22, 2010


For this piece I wanted to show how every thing in this world is alive in their own ways. Whether it be the paint brushes moving gracefully throughout the art studio or the scissor running around. I really wanted to create that sense of life quality in this piece.


  1. Hey there KAngy. So umm where is that beautiful piece of art that you made in response to Christina's World? Guess I'm just going to have to try to retrieve my memory of it so that i can COMMENT. I like the color of the grass. When you look closely, you can see the different shades. I also liked the overall idea of your project, which I assume is us looking out from the house to Christina, like the opposite of her view. The one thing missing I think is Christina.

  2. Sketching myself for the past couple of days has been tough but rewarding at times. It is tough to really get the drawing to look like myself. There are times when I do get certain parts of my face right but overall is challenging to really get a complete sketch that really looks like me.
